Synthesis-When 2 things combine to form a single compound
---oxygen gas+hydrogen gas----->water
Decomposition-A compound breaks down into 2 or more simpler compounds
---sulfurous acid----->water+sulfur oxide
Single-displacement-One elements takes the place of another (a metal replaces a metal)
---zinc metal+copper(II)nitrate----->zinc nitrate+copper(II)
Double-displacement-The positive and negative portion of 2 ionic compounds interchange
(metals switch places)
---magnesium chloride+silver nitrate----->magnesium nitrate+silver chloride
Combustion-When a substance randomly combines with an oxygen to form many oxides
---methane+oxygen----->carbon dioxide+water
1. Obtain 3 small test tubes
2. In the first test tube, place a piece of zinc and about 1/2 mL of CuSO4 solution. Record observations.
3. In the second test tube add about 1/2 mL Ba(NO3)2 solution to about 1/2 mL of CuSO4 solution. Record observations.
4. In the third test tube place a piece of magnesium ribbon. Add about 1/2 mL of HCl solution. Record observations.
5. Light a bunsen burner (burning propane gas, C3H8). Record observations of the flame.
6. Rinse out the first test tube. Add about 2 mL H2O2 solution. Lightly heat it. Record observations.
7. Add a pinch of MnO2 (catalyst) to the H2O2 solution. Lightly heat it. Record observations.
(Above the pictures)
Balanced equations:
1. Zn+CuSO4--->ZnSO4+Cu single-displacement
2. Ba(NO3)2+CuSO4--->BaSO4+Cu(NO3)2 double-displacement
3. Mg+HCl--->H2+MgCl2 single-displacement
4. C3H8+5O2--->4H2O+3CO2 combustion
5. MnO2+H2O2--->H2O+O2 decomposition
1. This reaction was a single displacement reaction because the two metals (zinc and copper) switched places.
2. This reaction was a double displacement reaction because both of the metals switch places.
3. This reaction was a single displacement reaction because hydrogen and magnesium switched places.
4. This reaction is a combustion reaction because the products are CO2 and H2O and many oxygens produced.
5. This reaction is a decomposition reaction because manganese decomposes leaving water and a nonmetal oxide.
This lab was very helpful in understanding the different reaction types. We got to observe how various chemicals react with one another. We learned how single displacement, double displacement, combustion, and decomposition occur. It helped us learn how to tell on our own what kind of reaction we were looking at, without looking at the actual chemical equation. By doing this lab, we got extra practice balancing equations while getting to do a hands on experiment.